Product Name:SirenLabs ULTRA KARBS - Natural By GNC

Product Detail : View on GNC Store

Shipping Weight: 3 Pound

Expected Delievery: 30 Jan 2025

Price: For Price Please Contact Support

Product Description: KarboLyn® is specifically designed for the serious athlete looking for a fast, easy, convenient and safe way to load the muscle with readily accessible muscle energy (glycogen). KarboLyn® is a patented carbohydrate that contains a series of very unique properties. Because it passes through the stomach very quickly, it acts like a pump, pulling water and nutrients along with it. This high-tech carbohydrate actually moves through the stomach 80% faster than dextrose or sugar. KarboLyn® also has a higher solution osmolality than dextrose, sucrose, or other carbohydrate powder mixes on the market. This is due to its exclusive patent pending process. KarboLyn® is completely sugar free and is produced using a newly developed "Enzymatic Milling Process." The food sources used to produce the KarboLyn® are corn, potato, and rice, and the finished product is a modified molecular mass polysaccharide that is instantized and absorbed very quickly for maximum biovailability.*

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